A life-long dog lover, Leslie Stout, owner, has 15 years experience working with all breeds of dogs. She has operated her own pet-sitting business, worked as a veterinary assistant and is certified in canine CPR and first aid. After years of managing dogs in free-range daycare/boarding environments she started Wildside Dog Adventures.

Wildside Dog Adventures is licensed with the State of Washington, bonded by CNA, and insured by Mourer-Forster, Inc. up to $4,000,000.
Leslie and her first dog Zak
We support the Marymoor Professional Dog Walker's Association and SODA (Serve Our Dog Areas) which preserves off-leash dog parks in the Puget Sound area.

"When the Man waked up he said,
'What is Wild Dog doing here?'
And the Woman said,
'His name is not Wild Dog any more,
but the First Friend,
because he will be our friend
for always and always and always." - Rudyard Kipling
"True, but every dog still retains a wild side." - Leslie Stout